Audit Management

Solutions for Internal Auditors

Break free from antiquated audit-management practices.

Does your organization rely on tools that weren't purpose-built for the job, using cumbersome processes that work around their inadequacies? If so, your audit management practices are likely incomplete and inefficient, leaving you open to an unacceptable level of risk.

Using spreadsheets to store and analyze data, word processors to prepare audit reports and committee presentations, and email to communicate with stakeholders, is inefficient and ineffective. With a great deal of time, stress, and effort, it might get the job done, but there’s a better way.

Deploying purpose-built tools, internal auditors can independently assure operating efficiency, while meeting the standards of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) framework.

    - Working from a single source of truth means you can link information from working papers to reports, ensuring consistency.
      - Using an in-platform request and testing module keeps all support in one place.
        - Streamline testing by using audit analytics to identify exceptions.
          - Issue tracking and management plans make findings visible, from identification to resolution.
        Fundamentals of Managing Public Sector Risk
        Audit Management Automation with Workiva

Automation Success

Over the last 30 years, we have successfully implemented thousands of automation projects for our clients. The City of Torrance was one such client; learn more about its audit automation project.
City of Torrance Slider - Audit Management webpage



Essential considerations when employing Balance Sheet Account Reconciliations

  • Ed McCaulley

Accurate and timely reconciliations are a critical control function that should be in place in all organizations. Understand best practices related to account reconciliations and develop a clear plan for reviewing reconciliations.


Why focusing on simple can lead to catastrophe

  • Jamie Black

When does focusing on simple software solutions result in catastrophe? When simple becomes the objective. Instead, finance and budget professionals should focus on what they want to achieve while avoiding unnecessary complexity. Learn how to evaluate what is and is not necessary for real success.


Continuous Controls Monitoring is Management's Best Friend

  • Holly Ueland

Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM or sometimes Continuous Monitoring) provides a massive benefit to management AND simplifies the annual audit process.

Character sitting with stacks of cash

Improve your Internal Controls to Lower Audit Fees

  • Jamie Black

Finance professionals know the importance of strong internal controls for managing but overlook the opportunity to reduce audit fees.


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